What Does “Customer Success” Even Mean?
Here's a thought 💡
Let's simplify what customer success is by tying the role to objectives that relate to the businesses success. Then simply list the job functions that relate to that metric:
- Customer Growth 📈 via product enablement, product feedback and trusted advisory
- Churn Prevention 🤝 via value realization, proper escalation and preventative forecasting
- Expansion 🎯 via strategic planning, listening/understanding developer sentiment and collaborative execution
That's it 😅
As a CSM, if you've ever been asked "soooooo, what do you do?" 🤔
Realize that the role really drills down to achievable business objectives that YOU have the opportunity to drive on behalf of the customer.
The specific duties (day to day) change from company to company, no two CSM functions are exactly the same. The underlying function is, however, the same and should be a huge amount of pride for anyone with the role of CSM.
In a word, you are the hub to the wheel 🛞 which drives the customer's overall success.
What is your opinion of the CSM function? Let's discuss!
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